During "The Devastation"

During "The Devastation"
Toying with the remains. (What is the girl in front of me doing btw?!?!!?)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trim the Fat

Wow, I'm back and in way less than several years. That's new. After finishing my post at around 6am yesterday I decided that I should concentrate on writing a book in the future, thus the self imposed necessitation for a concise approach to this blog thing. Rather than the blah blah blah blog, we're going to try to stick to the one blah in the blog. I admit, yesterday's post was a bit long, but somewhat of an intro to me, in an apropos tangential run kind of way.

I am kind of obsessive when it comes to my writing. I spent the majority of my computer time yesterday editing and reposting that one entry like an obsessive kook throughout the day. Even tampered with a picture I hadn't realized my mom had taken of me. That pic was so in the moment I referred to in the past and is so relevant to the theme of my little blog here. In all of my editing I don't believe I was able to cut anything out. I most likely just weighed it down with some additional words while I was making corrections.

Unfortunately for me, in my life in general I seem to have a lot of excess things I really don't need in order to compensated for what I probably do. (Even my sentences sometimes, "a lot" "excess" "don't need" all in that last one, me essentially saying the same thing numerous times). Where was I??? oh yes, excess...

Some examples are as follows: I have way too many pairs of shoes, but I don't walk enough; I spend too many hours awake and not enough asleep or vice versa; and I have way too many aspirations and not enough accomplishments to account for them in my opinion...just to name a few.

I believe that in order to find a balance of some sort, some things have to go. Including me. I have to find a way to go places that will move me away from the excess. Hence, my endeavour into my Career Pick of the Day in my last post. I have realized that I need to start thinking moves and making them.

I guess I boarded this train of thought yesterday when I was snacking on a mini Twix and some fake healthy Sun Chips at my soon to be over mini job. (We will probably touch on this staggering subject matter at some point in the near future). I began to think the thoughts I always think whenever I eat anything, "this is only going to make me fatter." Unfortunately for my weight this doesn't really do much for preventing me from continuous consumption.

If only I could not do the things that make things worse for me, trim them from my life so to speak. It seems I have simply gotten too comfortable. Just as my body fat contributes to keeping me all warm and cozy, the hypothetical excess I have has become a familiar part of me and yet I hate it just the same.

When I think of it all, here is were I always end up. Knowing the should but not the actualized how.

Today's blah really took a turn down a path I hadn't really expected to go. My attempts at concision have sneakily tricked me down a path of transparency. Who knew? I am usually pretty good at avoiding this terrain. So lets wrap it up.

From here on out to as long as I can ;D , I intend to try and make a point each day to trim. Yesterday was the beginning. An action that will hopefully lead to more actions that will then lead to something meaningful. I view this as my pursuit of the realization of the aphorism "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory" ~ Friedrich Engels.

My ultimate objective: To mobilize as what I am, rather than remain suspended in the wishes and possibilities.

Mantra: stop talking and be (Namaste...hahaha jk look at me trying to sound all deep)

(Sidebar: J. Lo's completely fake accent in this movie is equally as horrible a her acting, making the creators all the more wrong for making this movie (Blood and Wine) and the casting director all the more wrong-er for casting her!!! Oh yea and I think I may have failed already, not sure if this post is any shorter than the last...)

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